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Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме: «Еаst or West – Home is Best? »
[ Скачать с сервера (18.9 Kb) ] 25.01.2009, 01:03
План- конспект
 Урока английского языка в 9 классе
 по теме: «Еаst or West – Home is Best? »
Цели урока:
Развивающая – развитие способности к комбинированию и трансформированию речевых единиц, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
Воспитательная - воспитание чувства гордости за родную страну и место, где ты живёшь;
Учебная – совершенствование речевых навыков;
Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

I. Введение в атмосферу урока. 
Беседа о роли английского языка в жизни людей. 
T: Hello, boys and girls! You are welcome to our English lesson. You have been learning English for 5 years. Aren’t you tired of it? 
Ps: No, we are not. 
T: I’m glad to hear that you are not tired of learning the English language. I’m sure it will help you in your future life, won’t it?
P1: Yes, it will. In our time it is very important to know English. I hope English will help me to get a good job and then earn good money. 
T: And what do you think, P2? 
P2: I know that English is an international language. It helps us to understand the other people from different countries. 
T: P3, I know you are very interested in Information Technology. Do you need English? 
P3: Yes, I do. Today English is a computer language. It helps me to work with my computer and use the Internet. 
T: We live in the village. There are no business centers, big factories and no foreigners here. English in the countryside? Isn’t it strange? 
P4: Certainly, not. Nowadays many joint factories are built in the countryside. Some of them are English or Canadian. For example, in our region there is a Canadian cattle-farm. To work together with foreign specialists and use Canadian technologies we need knowledge of English. 
T: And what would you tell us, P5?
P5: I know that English is used in tourism. It is an international language. As for me I’ m going to visit other countries. That’s why I study it at school. 
T: I wish your dream came true. But while visiting other countries don’t forget your native place. There is a proverb … Just wait a bit. We shall read it in a minute. Look at the screen! Here you can see 20 British symbols. Put together the first letters of each symbol and read the proverb. 
(Открываются картинки с видами Британии и по первым буквам
составляется пословица
East or West – Home is Best)

E – Elisabeth II
A- Admiral Nelson
S- St. Paul’s Cathedral
T- Trafalgar Square
O- Oxford Street
R- Ravens
W- Westminster Abbey
E- Edinburgh Castle
S- Shakespeare 
T- Tower
H- Houses of Parliament
O- Oxford University
M- Maze
E- Eton College 
  I - Imperial War Museum
S- Stonehenge 
B- Big Ben
E- English Channel
S- Sherlock Holmes Museum
T- Tower Bridge

T: (объявляет тему урока) East or West – Home is Best. This proverb will be the topic of our lesson. 
II. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков
А) Предваряющее задание перед чтением
T: Certainly, there are many other reasons why people learn English. 
 Look at the screen. This is a Russian girl. Her name is Olga. She is a pupil of the 9th form. After leaving school she is going to continue learning English at the university. Got any idea why she needs English. 
P1: I think she needs English to communicate with people of the world. 
P2: I think she wants to do business.
P3: I’ sure she hopes to get a better job.
P4: Maybe she wants to be an English teacher. 
P5: I’m not sure but I think she wants to live in another country. 
P6: I consider she is going to be a travel agent. 
T: Read Olga’s opinion about learning English and say what her idea about it is? You have 5 minutes for reading it. 
В) Чтение 1- го высказывания
I’ m sure, it is very important to know foreign languages in our time. Learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. It expands our horizons, for example, it gives us a chance to visit other countries. As for me I learn English. Frankly speaking, I learn it not because this language is easier than French or German and not because it sounds like music. The English language will be connected with my future life. I have made up my mind to leave Russia for one of the English- speaking countries after getting a higher education. I’m not sure I will have a good chance to realize myself in our state. I would like to live in Great Britain. It has been attracting me more than other countries since I took part in an exchange program some years ago. Beyond any doubt, this country is marvelous! Firstly I am interested in history and art. That’s why I am not indifferent to British ancient towns with old cathedrals, British museums and galleries. More than that, the standard of living in Britain is very high. But the most important reason for my choice is that I hope to find a well-paid job. Isn’t it great to earn much money and to buy everything you want? 
T: Your time is over. Now look at the screen. Here is a task for you. 
1. Choose from the statement the one which completes the idea the best.
1) Olga learns English because - it is easier than French or German
- English is a necessity for her future life. 
- she wants to take part in an exchange program 
2) English is connected with Olga’s future life because  
  - Olga wants to visit England
- She has made up her mind to leave Russia for another country
- She wants to find a well-paid job in Russia
3) Olga hopes - to meet British customs and traditions
- to visit British ancient towns, museums and galleries 
- to earn much money
P1: I think that the following statement completes the idea best. Olga learns English because English is a necessity for her.
P2: I think English is connected with Olga’s future life because she has made up her mind to leave Russia for another country.
P3: I think that Olga hopes to earn much money. 
2. Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas. 
1) Olga understands that knowledge of foreign languages is very useful in our time. 
2) Learning English is a necessity for Olga.  
3) Britain attracts Olga in spite of the fact she has never been to this country.
4) Olga thinks that Britain is a great.
5) The girl hopes to become wealthy. 
  T: To make your answer more logical use the following phrases: 
  Olga says (that) …
  It proves that…
P1: Olga says that it is very important to know foreign languages in our time. It proves that 
 Olga understands that knowledge of foreign languages is very useful in our time. 
  P2: Olga says that the English language will be connected with her future life. It proves that learning English is a necessity for Olga.  
P3: Olga says that English has been attracting her more than other countries since she took part in an exchange program some years ago. It proves that she has been to this country. 
P4: Olga says that this country is marvelous. It proves that Olga thinks Britain is a great. 
  P5: Olga says that she hopes to find a well-paid job and earn much money. It proves that the girl hopes to become wealthy. 
3. Choose the best title to Olga’s story and say why you chose it. 
1) English as an international language.
2) The role of English in people’s life. 
3) A dream to become wealthy. 
P1. I think that the best title to Olga’s story is a dream to become wealthy.
I chose it because Olga says that she has made up mind to leave Russia for another country. She hopes to find a well-paid job and earn much money. 
P2 I think so. The best title to Olga’s story is a dream to become wealthy. I chose it because Olga says that she would like to live in Great Britain. The most important reason for her choice is that she hopes to find a well-paid job, earn much money and buy everything she wants. 
T: Beyond any doubt English is important in Olga’s life. 
4. Tell your mates what Olga thinks about the role of English in her life. The following model might help you. You have two minutes to prepare. 
- Olga is sure that…
- She learns English… 
- Firstly…
- More than that…
- The most important reason for her choice …
- That’s why…  
- P1: Olga is sure that it is very important to know foreign languages in our time. Learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. It expands our horizons, for example, it gives us a chance to visit other countries.
- She learns English not because this language is easier than French or German and not because it sounds like music. The English language will be connected with her future life. She has made up her mind to leave Russia for Britain. 
- Firstly she is not indifferent to British ancient towns with old cathedrals, British museums and galleries.
- More than that the standard of living in Britain is very high.
The most important reason for her choice is that she hopes to find a well-paid job and to earn much money to buy everything she wants.  
- That’s why Olga learns English.
С) Предваряющее задание перед чтением второго мнения  
T: Certainly, for living aboard the girl needs English. Look at the screen. Here you can see a boy. His name is Dima. He is from Moscow. Dima practices his English very effectively. His future profession will be connected with it. Any idea what the boy is going to be. 
P1: I think he is going to be a guide.
P2: I consider he is going to be a computer operator.
P3: As for me I think he wants to be traveler.
P3: Maybe he is going to be a diplomat.
  P4: I think he is going to be an interpreter. 
D) Чтение другого мнения . Read Dima’s opinion about learning English and say what his idea about it is. 
English? I have been learning it for 5 years. I think English is great. It attracts me more and more. For me it’s the best subject at school. I succeed in speaking English. In order to speak fluently and correctly I practise my English effectively. I read a lot, learn few new words every day and pay a lot of attention to grammar. I learn English not because I’d like to move to another country. I don’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia because it is my Motherland and I’m proud of it. Russia needs young talented people. Living here we can make it stronger and wealthier. Russia is so beautiful that it attracts many tourists from all over the world. As I’m going to be a guide I need knowledge of English. It is an international language. That’s why it will help me to communicate with people of other nationalities. I know that some foreigners have a wrong image of Russia and Russian people. If I happen to meet such people I’ll tell them about rich Russian history and culture, about beauty of the Russian soul. I shall also tell them about Russian people who try to do their best to make our Motherland more beautiful and who want to live at peace like many other people on our planet. I’m sure, English will help us to reach mutual understanding in order to improve people’s life on the Earth. So, now you see why I can’t do without English in my future.  
III. Обсуждение текста.
1. Find in the opinion the best statement to complete Dima’s ideas about knowledge of the English language.
1) Dima practises his English effectively in order to…
2) Dima doesn’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia because…
3) The boy can’t do without English because…
P1: I think Dima practises his English effectively in order to speak fluently and correctly
P2: I consider Dima doesn’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia because it is his Motherland and he is proud of it.
P3: I believe Dima doesn’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia because living here he can make it stronger and wealthier.
P4: I think the boy can’t do without English because he is going to be a guide.
P5: I think the boy can’t do without English because English will help us to reach mutual understanding in order to improve people’s life on the Earth. 
 P6: I think the boy can’t do without English because he is going to tell foreigners about rich Russian history and culture, about beauty of the Russian soul.
2. Find in the opinion the sentences to explain.
1) Why Dima practises his English.
2) Why Dima doesn’t want to live Russia for another country.
3) How the boy could use English in his future.
P1: I consider Dima practices his English because he is going to be a guide.
P2: I think Dima practices his English he is going to tell foreigners about rich Russian history and culture, about beauty of the Russian soul.
1) P4: I think Dima doesn’t want to leave Russia for another country because it is his Motherland and he is proud of it.
P5: I consider Dima doesn’t want to leave Russia for another country because living here he can make it stronger and wealthier.
2) P6: As for me, I think he is going to be a guide.
P7: I consider that the boy will communicate with foreigners and tell them about rich Russian history and culture, about beauty of the Russian soul.
3. Find in the opinions the key sentences to point out the main idea. 
P1: Dima learns English not because he is going to move to another country.
P2: He doesn’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia because it is his Motherland.  
  P3: As he is going to be a guide he needs knowledge of English
4. Find in the story Dima’s idea about knowledge of English. Tell your mates about it. The following model might help you. 
- Dima thinks that English …
- The boy learns English because…
- He knows … 
- He will tell foreign tourists …
- Besides, …
- That’s why …
P1: Dima thinks that English is great. 
The boy learns English because he is going to be a guide.
- He knows some foreigners have a wrong image of Russia and Russian people.
He will tell foreign tourists about rich Russian history and culture, about beauty of the Russian soul.
- Besides, he will tell them about Russian people who try to do their best to make our Motherland more beautiful and who want to live at peace like many other people on our planet.
- That’s why Dima needs knowledge of the English language. 
- T: Two people, two different opinions.
Whose opinion is closer to you: Olga’s or Dima’s? Explain why. 
P1: Dima’s opinion is closer to me. I agree with him that Russia needs young talented people. Living here we can make it stronger and wealthier. As for me I don’t want to leave Russia for another country, either. It is my Motherland and I’m proud of it.
P2: I agree with Dima. I think our country is the best. I doubt if it is worth living in a foreign country to become wealthy. We may be happy living in our Motherland. More than that, we may make it more beautiful stronger and richer. 
IV. Привлечение к работе на уроке фрагментов исследовательских работ по регионоведению
T: I think that Dima is right. And I agree with him. It is not necessary to leave our country to find a better one. East or West – home is best. People are mistaken when say that life in the countryside is rather dull and unpromising. Nowadays it is much spoken about setting up recreation zones in the Lipetsk region. Who knows may be one day such a zone will be set up in our region. We have everything necessary for it. Our experts (P1, P2, and P3) will try to prove it. Listen to the experts, answer the questions and complete the table.  
1) T: What natural conditions are favourable for setting up a recreation zone?
2) What conditions have been created by the villagers? 
3) What ways of active resting could we suggest?

Speaker 1 Natural conditions  
Speaker 2 Conditions created by people 
Speaker 3 Leisure opportunities 

Speaker 1
  I am going to tell you about natural conditions we have in our region. 
Firstly, Hlevnoye has an excellent situation because it is located in the centre of the European part of Russia, at the intersection of the important transportation lines. They connect Moscow, the Russian capital, with the Northern Caucasus. 
Secondly, the climate is favourable. Winters are usually mild. Summers are rather hot. 
Thirdly, Hlevnoye is rich in water recourses. It is situated on the Don, a beautiful Russian river with picturesque banks. The village is famous for its springs. Spring water is cool and pure. It is considered to be medicinal because it contains silver.  
  More than that, the air is pure thanks to the fact that there are no big plants here which pollute the atmosphere. Hlevnoye is surrounded by forests. The forests are mixed. There are a lot of oaks and limes as well as pines which clear the air best of all. 
Finally, fields and meadows add to the attractiveness of the countryside around the village. 
 So, this place is for those people who are looking for peace and lovely rural environment. 
Speaker 2
I am going to tell you about condition which people have created. Villagers have created favourable facilities for setting up a recreation zone. 
Firstly, in the centre of the village you can see modern architectural ensembles, an extraordinary park design with three fountains, numerous flower beds and terraces.  
Secondly, near the Don there is a park laid out in the last century. For many years it has been attracting both young and old people with its beauty in all seasons. Besides, in the park there is a stadium and a playground for children.  
Thirdly, in the village there are numerous ponds. The village management has planned to create some recreation grounds on their shores. 
More than that, we have favourable facilities for going in for sport because there is a swimming pool, a modern sport ground, two gyms here. In winter you can ski in the park and skate on the skating rink. 
Finally, we have a restaurant, some cafes and two hotels. 
So you see, we have everything necessary for resting and meeting guests. 
Speaker 3
How can we organize our leisure? 
Firstly, as you know, in Hlevnoye there are many forests. On the one hand, they are rich in raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. In summer we can gather berries and in autumn we can go mushrooming or pick nuts and hips. Isn’t it cool? On the other hand the forests are rich in wild animals. Those who like hunting can hunt for foxes, hares, wild boars and wild ducks. 
Secondly, the Don is lovely not only for swimming. Boating and fishing is excellent, too. In the Don you can find some unique kinds of fish, for example, lone wolf and sterlet.  
Thirdly, picturesque landscapes can attract people who are fond of hiking. Walking in the forests, in the park, in the fields or meadows can help us to relax and to be healthy. 
V. Проверка понимания прослушанногo
VI. Подведение итогов урока. 
VII. T: You see our village is a small but a beautiful part of our great country. What kind of country it will be depends only upon us. We should do our best to make it stronger, richer and more beautiful. I like my native village. Certainly, it is not an English village with a high standard of living. But it has its own advantages. And we have proved it. 
VIII. Домашнее задание Write a letter to your pen friend and invite him\her to visit your village. Describe the places you would like to show and things to do with your friend.

Категория: Иностранные языки | Добавил: liceum-hlevnoe | Автор: Коротких Светлана Васильевна
Просмотров: 23814 | Загрузок: 475 | Комментарии: 761 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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